of the debate surrounding the NHS Health Checks has focussed, quite rightly, on
how the programme is most effectively delivered and the ways in which
communities are best engaged. At times, opponents of the scheme have even
raised questions as to whether the national programme should feature as part
of public health policy. Whilst these issues are amongst the main topics to
have been featured on this blog, this post looks more generally at the politics
of wellbeing and how individuals are being empowered to take the
reigns when it comes to their heart health.
Jules Evans – the author of Philosophy
for Life –
explores, as far back as the Ancient Greeks the promotion of physical and
mental health has been an important concern of many governments. Indeed,
Aristotle and Plato’s idea that the state should encourage the flourishing of
its citizens has become the overwhelming consensus today. For Evans, the fact
that the UK government recently agreed to spend half a billion pounds training 6,000 new CBT therapists shows the extent to which the
nation’s wellbeing has become a prominent concern of policy makers.
the ancient philosophers would be the first to acknowledge however, taking
steps to improve mental wellbeing represents only part of the whole picture.
Working to improve the nation’s physical health and lifestyle are equally
fundamental to a progressive wellbeing agenda, particularly at a time when
waistlines are steadily expanding and populations are ageing.
the UK today, the NHS Health Check programme represents perhaps the most
comprehensive and wide-ranging attempt to improve peoples’ general awareness of
their health and cardiovascular risk. Indeed, the Socratic assertion that one
should ‘know thyself’ is arguably, in the physical sense at least, exactly what
an NHS Health Check aims to promote.
a health check, individuals are presented with an opportunity to find out about
how factors such as their cholesterol and blood pressure may be affecting their
health. With this knowledge in hand, these individuals are then able to discuss
with a trained health professional the ways in which they might go about making
any lifestyle changes they regard as important. Information about local support
services is also on offer, with providers able to make any appropriate

Whilst a
number in the medical profession continue to cite a lack of evidence for
the national programme, feedback from service users repeatedly points in a
different direction. For many like Rashmi, the NHS Health
Checks bring the notion of making lifestyle changes to the very top
of their personal agendas. It's case studies such as this
that show how these brief consultations are helping
many individuals take personal responsibility for
their cardiovascular wellbeing.
however should 'knowing our numbers' be so important and
conducive to improving our lifestyles? One suggestion may be
that becoming aware of one's health status and prospects makes a
crucial difference to the way in which health messages are
received. Though it seems common that people choose to turn a
blind eye to the well-known virtues of eating healthily for example,
clearly and tangibly seeing how diet may be influencing the personal
likelihood of developing heart disease gives these messages a potency
and an immediacy that's difficult to ignore.
the British Heart Foundation reaffirmed by including it as one of their 'top 10
tips to lead a heart healthier lifestyle', taking up an NHS Health Check can be the gateway
to making the changes that make the difference. What's more, in terms
of England's NHS Health Check model, harnessing peoples' ability
to reconfigure their own lives is seen as essential to any
profound and long-lasting improvement in our collective cardiovascular
health. At a time when GPs are increasingly under pressure and with that
trend looking to continue, promoting this preventative and patient-focussed
agenda is as important as ever.
With yesterday having
been World Heart Day, it's as good a time as any to
acknowledge that ultimate responsibility lies with individuals themselves; whilst many of the most common lifestyle related diseases are preventable, taking steps to avoid them may mean making decisions to change. That said, the tools with which we can generate insight and implement
this change have been put in place. For anyone between the ages
of 40 and 74 who's not been previously diagnosed with a chronic condition and
hasn't had a health check in the past 5 years, they're here to be taken advantage of.